Credit cards impose hefty charges and hidden fees on their customers which are revealed later which is generally not a surprise. The Credit CARD Act, which is going to be into effect from August 22 aims to reveal this by being more transparent, fair enough and charge a little less heavier fee with the main aim to reduce the burden of debt on the consumers.
But be careful as the Credit Card companies are inventing new ones to replace the old ones. Also they are merely replacing or turning the outlawed ones with some tried and true oldies. It seems there will be a way for the issuers to snatch a chance suddenly with an array of creative fees and penalties.
For example the fees charged annually is making a comeback instead of the Inactivity Fee which was sneaking into many customers bill recently in order to beat the hard times by most of the consumers where they try to cut back on credit card usage to remain debt free. Thus the inactivity fees will be forbidden from coming August 22 which appeared from nowhere when the cardholders do not use or hold back on credit card usage. Although it will soon be replaced or renamed as annual fees, which was already there for years but many credit card companies waived the annual fee for the first year or after some amount of purchases.
The credit card company’s love towards art of semantics suggest the annual fee is a reinvention where the credit card companies used to charge the consumers for inactivity fee but in future they would do so under the name of an annual fee.
Credit Cards might charge you a bit less come September
Labels: Credit Card companies, credit card company, Credit cards, debt free |Posts Relacionados:
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