By narrowing down the number of credit card offers that have what you want, you can reduce the stress involved in choosing a one for your personal or business needs. There are different types of credit cards available, such as business, rewards and student. By looking at your needs and knowing what you want the credit card to do for you, you can find the card that is right for you.
Business credit card offers have some of the same offers that a personal card can offer, such as rewards and a low introductory percentage rate. Some of the rewards that are available are air miles or cash rebates, yet choosing a card with this type of reward is only beneficial if it is something that will be used. Choosing a rewards card is only excellent if you will use the reward.
And having a low introductory percentage rate can be a huge plus, but you have to be careful and see what the rate will jump to after the introductory period has finished. Student ones are fantastic because they allow younger people to get a start on their credit history, but they need to be used wisely in order to prevent any misuse.
Aside from having different perks, choosing one can result in the possibility of debt consolidation. Choosing a card for this purpose can improve your credit rating because you will be able to manage credit card payments much simpler. Being able to use your credit wisely or having the ability to fix it if you have misused it in the past, can greatly improve your credit rating, and will keep debt collectors and financial services from harassing you for missed or late payments. Transferring several balances from cards that have high percentage rates to a card with a lower percentage rate will also allow you to make larger payments towards the debt, rather than just the interest on your debt.
The needs that you have, either of a personal or business nature, can greatly affect which credit card offers you choose to take. If you opt to choose a rewards card, then you need to make sure that you choose one with rewards that you will use.
If you have a lot of cards, then choosing a card with a low introductory percentage rate could be beneficial if you are looking at consolidation. If you are a young person who wants to start building a credit rating, then choosing a student card and using it wisely will be very beneficial.
Tips For Choosing Credit Cards
Labels: debt advice, debt help, debt settlement |Get a Business Loan without a Business Plan
Labels: business loan, Debt Consolidation loan |The phenomenal emergence of homebased business ownership has been astounding. The Small Business Administration projects that by 2007, there will be over 2 million small business firms.
Trends indicate that entrepreneurship is quickly becoming a fabric in American cultural. Yet, while there are many opportunities for securing personal wealth through business ownership, access to capital continues to be a hurdle for most start-up companies.
Thanks to a new small business initiative, the hurdle has become a little less painful. Through the SBA CommunityExpress loan program, start-ups and existing businesses alike can apply for a "Small Office/Home Office" loan without a business plan.
Loan amounts are available for $5,000, $10,000 and even $15,000 and no business plan is required. This may not seem like much to some business owners, but the most successful companies have started out by getting micro-loans. In fact, the SBA cited that most homebased businesses required $10,000 or less to get started. Examples of companies that started with less that $25,000 include Ben & Jerry's, Fedex and Tom's of Maine toothpaste.
It doesn't matter if you want to start a daycare center, desktop publishing firm, or barbershop. These mega success stories are a constant reminder that small beginnings can indeed lead to greater rewards.
Now Debt Help Only a Cellphone Away
Labels: Debt Breaker, debt counselling, debt help by mobile, DRS |In a landmark deal that is a world first for South Africa’s largest debt counselling agency DRS, the company has signed a deal with Debt Breaker to bring mobile debt counselling to indebted consumers through popular e-media like MXit and Google Talk.
With the global credit crunch putting increasing financial pressure on ordinary South Africans, consumers can now look as far as their cellphone to find answers to their debt problems.
Debt Breaker is an innovative cellphone service developed by Cape Peninsula University of Technology lecturer Marlon Parker, which can be used by over-indebted consumers to access advice and support remotely through MXit, Google Talk, Fring, Nimbuzz, Mig33 and other chat applications.
It is estimated that 60% of about 19 million consumers require assistance in South Africa.
The DRS and Debt Breaker association will offer direction, education, support and advise on debt related issues to thousands of debt stricken mobile phone users. About 7000 vehicles and 2500 homes are being auctioned on a monthly basis. Credit Bureaus are reporting that 53% of all consumers reflect impaired credit ratings, yet less than 100 000 consumers applied for Debt Review thus far.
“I saw an opportunity to reach the masses using mobile and web technologies to address the debt problem. This also allowed us the opportunity to be the world‘s first providers of live debt counselling, education, advice and support over cellphones using instant messaging ,” Parker said.
With Debt Breaker, consumers will be able to get free advice with regard to debt-related issues and practical remedies will be suggested. Debt Breaker needed a reputable Debt Counselling organisation with a strong national footprint to manage all the referrals generated through this free and confidential service.
According to Jean Botha, CEO of Debt Restructuring Services (DRS) the company is excited about partnering with Debt Breaker and to be taking their message of hope to this largely untapped market.
“With South Africa‘s largest mobile instant messengers (MXit, Mig33, The Grid, Fring) boasting combined numbers of over 15 million users of which the majority are between the ages of 18 and 35, it presented itself as an ideal medium to support the masses,” says Botha.
“We believe that the South African consumer is still largely unaware of their legal rights when it comes to dealing with debt. They don’t realise that the law has been changed to protect and assist them and that debt counselling and the debt review process holds a myriad of advantages for them. By associating with the Debt Breaker team we are encouraging open discussion on the topic and letting people know that there is a viable get-out-of-debt option available to them. We are hoping that a faceless, nameless, safe space to communicate will encourage more people to reach out for help” .